5th IEA International Research Conference

5th IEA IRC, 2013

26-28 June 2013, Singapore

The 5th IEA International Research Conference (IRC-2013) was organized in cooperation with the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Conference program

The conference program included four keynote lectures and paper presentations reporting on a wide range of secondary research using data from IEA studies, including ICCS, CIVED, ICILS, PIRLS, prePIRLS, TEDS-M, TIMSS, and TIMSS Advanced.

The papers from the conference are listed below; papers that are available for download are indicated with a link.

The conference was preceded on 24–25 June 2013 by a series of training workshops: "Introduction to IEA Databases and IDB Analyzer," "Using HLM with International Large-Scale Assessment Data," "Assessment Designs, Item Response Theory, and Proficiency Estimates," and "Sampling in Large-Scale Assessments in Education."

Bascopé, Martín Bonhomme, Macarena Cox, Cristian Castillo, Juan Carlos Miranda, Daniel National curricular guidelines and citizenship education in schools in Latin American countries
Carrasco, Diego Gonzalez, Roberto Cortés, Flavio García, Leonardo Dassen, Nicolás Civic knowledge and student attitudes towards corruption
Chow, Kui Foon Kennedy, Kerry John The 'civic potential' of students
Schulz, Wolfram Ainley, John Fraillon, Julian Student participation at school and future civic engagement
Zhu, Jinxin Kuang, Xiaoxue Kennedy, Kerry John Ching Mok, Magdalena Mo Predictors of Asian adolescents' expected future legal protest participation
Fraillon, Julian Ainley, John Gebhardt, Eveline Schulz, Wolfram Measuring computer and information literacy across countries
Tee, Oon Pey Law, Nancy Soojin, Kim Kim, Sungsook Ki, Tse See Psychometric assessment of ICILS test items on Hong Kong and Korean students
TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced
Abu-Hilal, Maher M. Abdelfattah, Faisal Abduljabbar, Adel Marsh, Herbert W. Attitudes toward school, homework, subject matter value, self-concept and positive affect
Nilsen, Trude Gustafsson, Jan-Eric School emphasis on academic success
Rutkowski, David Rutkowski, Leslie Wild, Justin Predictors of school violence internationally